Any one else quit drinking and by day 3 your

Exactly us short girls know what’s up! And I have that app! I used to use it religiously

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Glad I’m not the only one!!!! It’s driving me crazy

I’m 5’0 as well… sobriety and weight gain DO not play well together!

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Exactly!! When I saw that scale tonight I about lost it

NO scales!! I don’t do it! Lord knows I judge enough about myself… I don’t need that number!
Do you work out out or row?

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The scale about takes me out but I need it’s harsh judgement lol and I just started the treadmill back !

You got it!! Put on your girl anthem.. will smith also has a kick bootie motivational that make you want to kick BUTT!

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I gained about 15% first week and 30% overall. And as far as my overall size and body type. It’s not bad weight at all. I starved myself when I drank. Bottom line. It was actually very hard on my feet and my back for the first year. Hadn’t carried around that much since my early 20s. After the first year or so everything leveled out and feel much better/stronger. Weird back and foot pains are gone.

Lotta strange stuff can happen. Try not to worry about it too much if your doc isn’t worried.

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I’m already overweight I can’t gain more lol

Just get yourself healthy and stable before you worry about aesthetics.

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Taylor, hi
Don’t worry too much about the little things right now. Anxiety will take over if we obsess on this stuff early on in sobriety.
Exercise, healthy foods, lots of water and meditation. Oh and a program of your choice.
I gained 45 pounds after I sobered up. Most of it was because I didn’t eat during my addiction days. Malnourished. I went from 131 to 175 in about 3 months. Then as I gained more clarity I was able to get better and exercise. Everything we do in sobriety

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Is baby steps. I wanted to be healed so fast. But in reality it takes time. Over 18 months later I’m eating even more healthier than ever before and exercising. I’m at a healthy weight of 155. I feel good. Be patient with yourself and have compassion for thy self as you just made the best decision of your life “to get sober”
I’m happy for you! Keep up the good work!

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I just want to sleep. Ugggh​:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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After I quit drinking I lost 30lbs. I was easily “drinking” up to 15k in calories a week…

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Be kind to yourself and your body and mind heal itself from all the alcohol. Keep any self care you do and if not, take up something like walking and yoga. Drink lots of water to flush out the toxins your body is ridding itself of and cut the processed crud and sodas. The bloat is temporary. Sobriety is wonderful and will get better. Check out a book or audiobook by Annie Grace, The Naked Mind and The Alcohol Experience. She does an amazing job describing what alcohol does to the body and mind.

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