Any good non-alcoholic drinks with no sugar

Any good non-alcoholic drinks with no sugar. I drink a lot

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Heineken 0.0 alcohol free. Legitimate good beer.

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I mix different flavored seltzer together and I also drink Martinelli Ciders and Welch's make a rose that tastes just like the wine. Putting mio in ice cold water is also very refreshing.


Heineken 0.0 is legit but Clausthaler Dry Hopped is really good


Look on! They have a page of 20 Best Healthy Mocktails!

The lavender, mint with blueberries was a hit for me! Lemonade or seltzer is a good base!


Sounds great

thank you


thank you. It sounds like a good idea

Hi Jacqueline

Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for


I drink plain seltzer. The non-alcoholic beer is a slippery slope and my personal experience with it was a relapse in 2008. Even Heineken 0.0 is 0.05% ABV so the crafty alcoholic pounding those all day long, say you drank 24 of them or something, could equate to a minor buzz, which immediately would send me to the liquor store. I'm almost 10 years sober now and I'm so happy with my life that I stay away from alcohol in my food or drink no matter how small the concentration. My brain will always rationalize what I'm doing until I end up at the liquor store. That's just my experience though :man_shrugging:


Heineke 0.0 is 0.05% alcohol by volume. The first time I saw the commercial for it my brain was already scheming ways to taste beer. Thats how I knew I should stay away. Just my experience though. I stay away out of principal. Im about to have 10 years and not looking to screw that up


Vitamin water zero, lemonade or strawberry lemonade. Yum

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100% agree! I don’t want to drink anything that would get me thinking about how much I miss the taste of beer and I’ve been Sober a long time. I once heard it said that Non Alcoholic Beer is for Non Alcoholics. I agree with that sentimen.


I agree with you. I don't like the idea of mocktails either. It's just reminding me of when drinking was to numb my body not nourish it.

I really like mint or any infused water really. Jalapeño and pineapple is fun or strawberry cucumber

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Water or water with lemon. Drinking any non-alcoholic beer or mocktail is a terrible idea imo.

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I like ginger Beer

Non-alcoholic beer is for non alcoholics, good way to look at it. AA always comes up with the simplest ways to look at the big picture. I think it really depends where people are at and how seriously they've taken step 1.

Also agreed

Second that :+1:t2: