51 days sober! I’m feeling really lonely and depressed

Teachers aid for special education kiddos

That is great for you. Purpose is half the battle. When your work helps others that provides meaning. Focus on the good you do.

I absolutely love what I do helping kids. I have one semester to finish before I become a teacher

Wonderful. Isn’t it about bedtime in Kansas, Dorothy?

Lol i was waiting for that one!! No I haven’t been able to sleep very well lately. Insomnia


You did the right thing the first thing you need to do when you get out of rehab is change people places and things that’s a good start now just be in it for the day and you will be fine it’s not going to be easy but it gets better :pray::pray:

Hey Amy, Congratulations on your Sobriety! Keep up the great work girl! Let me know if you would like a long distance sponsor.

Good morning Amy, you are the Miricale that the Big Book and us old folks around the tables believe in. Bill W. and many recovering alcoholics suffer from many different forms of depression. Please seek professional help to add to the quality of your recovery.
This may just be situational as you withdrawal from drinking.
Like many alcoholics I used drugs and drink to combat depression which really was making it worse. You can do this! You've demostrated a lot of courage thus far.

Amy. I’m at 175 free from alcohol. I had those same thoughts and occasionally still do. My advice: keep going- don’t let the disease trick you into thinking you’re better off drinking.

Thank you hun I appreciate it

I think it’s to do with the chemical changes in my body. I was never depressed before but I do tend to get a lot of anxiety

It will.. congratulations on 51 days that’s badass sis

congratulations on your new way of life it is very rewarding and very simple but we're not simple people so therefore we have to get out of the way in order to let life take place one thing I do know about feelings and emotions is that that's what I use though cuz I allowed them to control my actions what I've learned is that instead of trying to stuff them or ignore them filled them for what they are acknowledge them but never allow them to dictate my behavior or actions or words but to look back at past experiences learn from them grow from them and use them as a learning tool you can do this I believe in you much love and respect

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Thank you hun. I am trying to do that the best I can. Trying to keep myself busy so I don’t get lost in my thoughts

Thank you hun

Hey Amy Congrats on your time,I'll go 6mos. then do a bender,been doing that for 10 years now....I know it sucks sometimes but keep your head high,you can do this.By the way I take Gabapentin for my anxiety...It works!!!!

Keep up the good work , do the next right thing , you’ll see it gets better day by day . Just don’t use no matter what!

Yes it’s very difficult. I’m trying to get a week without drinking. It is tough I get bored and lonely and drink just to change my mind state. I’ve been single for a while. Haven’t been with anyone in 4 years. I let a meth addict move in with me 4 and half years ago and I was sober for 8 months, she was for 6 relapsed and I let her back and 2 months relapsed again. I kicked her out and I started drinking a month later. It was so easy not to when someone was there. Now I’m trying to do it for me and I’m struggling. I think I quit to help her. Now I need to for me. I don’t like waking up feeling like crap next day anymore

Hi Amy. You do have something. You have strength. I don't know of any who had the strength to leave a toxic relationship after 12 years. You have amazing parents who are doing what they can so you will get better. You have a home. You have 51 DAYS sober. You should definitely be proud.