5 years sober and I am fighting a relapse. Really

5 years sober and I am fighting a relapse. Really want to drink.


I have a strong urge to drink for some reason.

Plenty of other ways to reward yourself for your 5 years other than drinking. 5 years is kick-azz by the way. That's huge congrats John.

I know . I am still fighting it . That's why I came on here . Thanks

Our alcoholism is progressive man, nothing about that has changed! When I think about why I gave up drugs and alcohol I cringe and want to vomit. Maybe play the tape all the way through.

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I/we are here for you John. If it helps you get over this "bump in the road" I will stay on here all day and night. Whatever it takes no matter what!!!

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You may want to know but if you do just imagine all those negative feelings of guilt failure self pity... no u don’t want that !!!

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Yo John, hit me back. What are you thinking and feeling? We can work threw this together man.

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I just have the urge to drink . I am fighting it . I think it because I had alcohol free beer yesterday .Must have triggered something .

Hang in there my friend.. 5 years is a dam great fight.. don’t give in..

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I'm trying . I have to keep myself busy until this passes .

Yes! This will come to pass!

Our sense of taste and smell are very powerful. You are probably on point about being triggered. Nice job working through it and staying busy. We are here!

John, if you can do it for 5 years...you cant definitely do it for 5 years and 1 day...stay strong bro! keep up the good fight!

Hey John, you’re good bro. Just make today a busier day than normal. Honestly for me I just take it out ok the weights, or go walk around my neighborhood and listen to some heart thumping music. You’re in tune with yourself, which really is the toughest part. Happy Saturday brother, we’re all here :facepunch:t2:

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Reset go back to basics step one !

I never did any kind of treatment. I just stopped drinking because of my job . layed off now and have nothing but time to kill .

I use to hit the weights when I was younger . I think I got a hold on the cravings .