2 days sober, I know you say "only 2 days?

2 days sober, I know you say "only 2 days? But rarely has there been one so I feel good. I was sober for 16 months Bach in 2016 to 2018 so I know it's possible . I just wanted to share and get some support. Thanks


Two days is two better than none. Won't see me knocking two days.


Thank you kindly.

We all started on day 1 my friend. I pray this is your last day 2.

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Great accomplishment on day 2. One day at a time! :pray:

I appreciate the encouragement guys. And the prayers.

2 days is awesome! Well done! :grin:

Good for you ! Never say "only" !

Two days is awesome! Never undermine your accomplishments

I can’t wait to have one day :cry:

Amazing :clap:congratulations!!!!Guess what by the grace of God tomorrow will be 3 stick and stay... You got this, we are all here with you

Congratulations :star2: I can’t wait until my two days . I’m scared of how life is going to be but I’m hatred to this life I’m living now

The world record for longest sobriety time ever is still unbroken at 24 hours in one day


You can do it if I can! I completed 3 whole days and starting day 4. I was home alone last night with 4 bottles of wine and an open box and I did It! I felt the pull once or twice so I picked up the big book and started reading and it helped. Just keep trying.

It is scary. But, a sober life is a much clearer more beautiful life and you deserve that

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Congrats on completing Day 2.

A lot of us know how many years those two days can take to reach :cry:.

Stick to it, happy for ya

I’m 6 years sober and the hardest days are the first ones

Hi. I can help you through your struggle. I have a Fb group called Soldier's of Sobriety

There I post strategies on maintain a strong sober lifestyle