2 days sober, I know you say "only 2 days?

Congratulations Yvonne! On your two days. The hardest days our every day. It gets better as time goes on. I look at every day being my first day. Because I know if I pick up again I’ll be right back where I Left off. And just for today I choose not to go back. I know the days are hard and good work on the days that you do have. And thank you for sharing

Good job

Thank you all so much! 3 whole days without alcohol and part way through my 4th. I'm feeling motivated and already clearer.

2 days for me too girl!!

Yay! Good job. How have you been sleeping? Between hot flashes from being 51 and not drinking, I've been having a rough time. I'm trying to stay positive then start to get a little irritable from not getting good sleep and from withdrawing from my usual 10 glasses of wine every night. I know that I wasn't getting good quality sleep before and was crabby from being hungover so at least this is better. Keep up the good work.

More days! :+1:

For me when i surrendered

Yes that I was an addict and couldn’t do it on my own