You know when you have to let some people go

Finally let this guy go that I was pointlessly holding on to. I ended it! I realized it wasnt going anywhere and it wasnt healthy. I had the last say in the conversation and it felt damn good!


You go girl! :joy: remember to keep your side of the street clean. Be humble that you had someone to say good by to… I understand unhealthy relationship.

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Yea but he changed his phone number and wouldnt even give it to me... and then says i would only give it to ppl who hold value to my life and i was like whats the point of this would only talk to me on snapchat... thats not okay.

I realized I deserve better... I wished him the best and wished him well. And I blocked on all social media . Im just done

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Welcome Danielle. Once you make it a year I hope you feel so good you keep going maybe 2,3 even 10 years. Ya know they say to stay out of relationships for a year when first getting sober. I know for me I had to learn how to love myself cause I didn’t for years. Good luck find some sober lady friends and chat. Maybe get a Sponsor.

I'm currently going thru the letting go of someone.They do hold value in my life.However it's all on there terms.We took a break because we enabled on eachother.I have vowed to never drink again and am at 91 days.She continues to drink daily.

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That sucks... maybe its time to let go if shes not going to be supportive.

She is supportive in a if I needed someone.I can call her.But if I call her after a certain time I get the diluted version.It hurts me to see her drink when she knows she has a problem.

:+1: gotta do whatcha gotta do

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Toxic is its name

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I see. It sounds like you did the next best right thing. You do deserve someone who will treat you with respect and that you will treat with respect.
My advice is to take a break from relationships and focus on your sobriety. Heal heal your mind and body. I can say after a year of sobriety I wasn’t the same person. I held more value. No I don’t chase I attract good people in my life.
Remember you are the cake attracting the frosting.


Cutting dead weight is important. Anything that isn’t swimming is an anchor.

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