You could have every day like that if you wanted

. I know I have not been the best most honest person thru my addiction .my first 5 mounts clean since I was seven years old I see life so much clearer now more than ever and I see alot of the wrong iv caused with my drinking and the way drugs fucked me up and made me somebody who was hard to even be around but life is a blessing . I don't plan to waist anymore of my time on this rock . today I went to the bus stop and I had like 45 minutes to sit and wait for the bus to come and I sat down next to this older man and had a long conversation with him. he was homeless mentally bankrupt hungry and slightly crazy talking to himself everybody seem to walk right past him not paying him any mind. so I went and I got him a couple sandwiches and some Gatorades sat down next to him and he started telling me his story. how he had been in the service served the country that he loves he got out of the military with a family of six kids and a wife 3 houses a business ect. alcohol slowly ripped him and his wife apart then the kids went a different direction. all doing well with their lives starting families forgetting about him .disappointed with his decisions .he fell into drugs leading him to a dark places that he doesn't know how to get out of. I've been in that dark place I felt like I have lost everything that I love several times over and I've told myself if I ever had a second chance I would never lose that love again. I have been given a second chance at life that I love and I'm so grateful . as he started eating he looked up at me with tears in his eyes he said he hadn't eaten in 3 days and nobody had speaking a word to him in weeks rather than to go away or get out of the way and thank me for not treating him like he was an animal. I gave him a couple phone numbers to where he could get help but I told him he has to make the right choices. life's not lost and not over until it's over. mistakes are made but better choices can be made as well it all starts with you and what you really want in life. I asked him what he wanted ? he told me love and I started to tear up and I told this man that I loved him that he's worth the effort he must put forward to get himself into a better life no matter how hard it may seem it will be possible if you want it bad enough call the numbers take the suggestions go to treatment and find out how to love yourself and forgive yourself for anything you have done because you are worth forgiveness and he just smiled at me as my bus pulled up saying thank you so much for talking to me. And I replied with a thankyou to him . He asked me for what? He had nothing and gave me nothing.i asked him to give himself a chance for me call the numbers that I called that helped me and countless other people in our situation get to a better life . Iv been using hard drugs since I was 7 years old I'm 35 now 5 mounts ago I was shooting meth and heroin in the porter potty right behind us homeless heartless and hopeless but I made a choice to surrender and reach out for help will you do the same and he said yes and that's why I thank you for giving yourself a chance and not giving up.and I got on my bus . for so many of my darkest times I only wanted was to be loved . But my choices made me unlovable insecure and mentally bankrupt just like this man sitting before me. His Rock bottom looks a lot different than my rock bottom and there's 30 some years difference between our age but there's still hope for everyone to live a life that they want to live to get out of the places they don't want to be but they feel they have to be or they deserve to be. it's all a matter of choices and our perception finding people in our life that can direct us to a better peace of mind not settling for anything less than what you truly love not giving up when times are unsteady or settling to be in places that you're truly not happy. life is short and a lot of time is wasted trying to figure things out on our own making mistake after mistake trial and error only to find ourselves back in the same spot we started in or even further down in the hole that we dug trying to get out. I'v surrounded myself with people who have gotten out of the hole that I've dug and then some and I'm following the suggestions and the footsteps of everybody I surround myself with. Somebody told me you show me five of your closest friends and I'll show you your future and that stuck with me so I had to make a choice to surround myself with people that are where I want to be in life so when times get hard for me I can ask for help and suggestions to how to get through whatever situation that I may be going through swallowing my pride and not thinking that I have it all figured out because I don't. the moment I think I do will be the moment that I stop taking suggestions from the people who I'm following in recovery I'm gonna be back out fucked .there is know cure to my addiction it will be a life long recovery and that is terrifying but as long as I work my steps with my sponsor and sponsor other people and don't up today that gives me hope that I can do it again tomorrow . in my experience life is ever-changing the way we handle change will determine where we end up in the end .which could be at any time so it's important for me to live for today because tomorrow might not come yesterday is already passed. anyways not sure why I decided to share this but I had to talk to somebody about it because it was profound moment for me it made me think a lot about a lot of things including how much I love you all of you that still struggle as I do and just would want nothing more than you to be happy not stressed or worried about tomorrow and just be happy everyday. it all begins with our choices and are willingness for change. We all can do it . I'll end it with an addict to my left and attic to my right God guide me in my recovery and show me how to live clean good night everybody.


This is what love and hope looks like. This made me cry. Thank u so much for sharing.


New in this app . I want to tell you keep it simple . We don’t drink just per today . Thanks for sharing

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That IS profound. It’s moments like this that shape our journey and reinforce our values. Sharing in connection with that man was a beautiful exchange of humanity. You remind me to keep myself open. Thank you.


This is beautiful Bobby. Thank you for taking an opportunity to love someone. You were at the right place at the right time. You provided food, resources for help, and experience. Thank you for being a beacon of light.

Our world :earth_americas:would be a better place if more people were like you.

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Love the post. It is a good reminder to reach out to people in need. You never know who you may help. I'm reminded of a minister I know who had a homeless man come to his church. They let him mow the grass and stay in a place on property. Turns out he was a millionaire who walked out of his home one day and never went back. His parents were still looking for him.