Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of my fiance,

Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of my fiance, best friend, and soulmate. I finally let myself look through boxes of items and photos I’ve had closed for years. Now I’m a mess. I can’t stop crying and of course I want to drink.

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I'm here! So HARD!! I am so sorry.

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Allow yourself to feel your feelings. They aren't facts. They will come in waves.

Please don't pick up a drink! I know you want to. I also know you'll feel worse.

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What may I do to help you?

Just responding helped me more than you could know, Chaya! Thank you so much. :heart:

Hi Katie. I'm sorry :pensive:. Cry if you need to. Let it out. It's better than hanging onto all that grief.

It's great you responded in a healthy way. But please don't drink. I want you to look at this day today, tomorrow, or the future and be proud that you didn't drink.

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hang in there KatieMac...i know its tough, but stay strong!

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Sorry for your loss. We will always miss our people, to be sure. Tears and time seem to soften the jagged edges of our grief and loss. You know that drinking will only take you to a dark place. Again I am real sorry, grief/loss sux. Be kind to yourself. Have a nice day. :bouquet::blush:

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How are you Katie?