Yes there is a solution after being in psychiatric hospitals, in

Yes there is a solution
after being in psychiatric hospitals, in jail got divorced
diagnosed with schizophrenic bipolar disorder major manic depression ptsd
surviving sexual, physical, emotional,verbal and mental abuse and sleeping in my truck ,with three DWIs on my criminal record and and after losing my immigration legal status, I lost my job too,my car after 5 car accidents
I finally found a solution to my problem, a group of alcoholic women shared their experiences with me and I discovered that I have a progressive and fatal disease called alcoholism. thank you :pray: to The Magdalen house :house_with_garden: next step program for all your support :heart: I love :two_hearts: you all my sisters in recovery

by the mercy and grace of God I am alive and grateful for my freedom


Good god that sounds familiar.
Youre a good soul, dont let the system win.