Yes.....struggling. I blew it yesterday. Now I have to start

Yes.....struggling. I blew it yesterday. Now I have to start all over again. What hurts me the most is losing my daughters trust and privileges. One day at a time. I will be this disease!


I meant “I will BEAT this disease!”


Your in recovery snd that counts for a lot. Keep getting up and dust yourself off. You got it!

Thank you!

You don't have to start over if you try and learn from what caused you to relapse and keep what you already learned. The important thing is that you just get back up and keep trying and you will beat that disease if you keep working at it

What is your plan of recovery this time?

You got this don’t beat yourself up it was one day now just work them steps a little harder an beat that disease to a nonexistent any way you stay strong hope things work out really soon between you an your daughter