Working a program. I have a very hard time reaching

Working a program. I have a very hard time reaching out to other Ladies in AA for support. My old sponsor does not participate in AA anymore. Reached out online but I may of done it wrong.

I don't think you did it wrong. If you want another AA sponsor attend another meeting and let them know you need one.

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Don’t be afraid to reach out to other Ladies, They will save your Ass.


I go to meetings almost daily. I still have not asked anyone. I am just not sure how or I am scared idk.

There was a guy who shared at my second meeting. He talked about how he was so screwed when he was drunk. He mentioned hating saying the Lord’s Prayer at the conclusion of meetings.

I walked up to him at the end of that meeting and said “I’m screwed too. And I’m not a fan of organized religion.”

That was it.

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Samie, its okay to get another sponsor and drop the you one you have now.. Remember this about you..Ask for the help

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