Word of the Year ๐ŸŽ‰ Last year, I chose a Word

Word of the Year :tada:
Last year, I chose a Word of the Year instead of a New Years Resolution.

Sadly, I canโ€™t remember what it was so Iโ€™m not so sure I really connected with it :joy:

But I wanted to try again this year to choose one and keep it in mind as I face the trials and tribulations of existing in life on lifeโ€™s terms.

My Word of the Year is ....:drum::drum::drum::drum:

Whatโ€™s your word of the year?


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BOOM! Awesome choice :pray:t3:

It is kinda my transplant resolution. I lied A LOT to cover up how bad I had let me drinking get so I'm trying my best to be honest and transparent as I can be โ€ฆ down to some of the smaller things like replying how I am actually feeling when someone asks and not always saying, โ€œfineโ€. It's freeing and sometimes difficult

I understand. Being honest a lot of the time means being vulnerable which is scary. Just keep doing your best, thatโ€™s my plan :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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