Woke up with a nagging feeling that today is the

Woke up with a nagging feeling that today is the day. For what, I do not know..... guess I will see what plays out. Stay vigilant, stay sober.


:laughing: that feeling usually means person growth for me...its not of my design! Let it unfold, bring it on!


Found out today that the company is temporarily closing one of the garages and moving all operations to the garage I work in. This is in anticipation or the impending riots from the George Floyd trial. Not sure how long I will have to deal with it, depends on the good people of Minnesota. This is gonna be a zoo.

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Yeah buddy. Tough thing for everybody.

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No matter the out come, people don't know the law, understand sentencing guidelines. What ever it is, people will argue it is not enough. There could potentially be chaos across the county.

Already burning and looting one of our northern metro suburbs, been happening for the last 5 nights. The Governor here is a spineless failed leader.

I use to be a very violent young man. I paid a lot in many different ways. None of which was good nor enough. My greatest barrier to this day, well...people close to me say I have done enough. I have my doubts I will ever come to believe that.

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No kidding, I have not watched tv in a few days.

Me either, but it is hard to not hear about it through my co-workers.

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Yep, makes sense.

Take it one day at a time. Everyone here is on edge. I live 30 minutes away from the cities and our Wal-Mart has boarded up all their windows in anticipation of riots and looting as well. Hopefully this will all be over soon.


Oh my gosh, u have to deal with all of that. The Governor dont care unless it effects them. It is ridiculous.


I don't fit with either side, I think they should keep out of the individuals way, let them run their own lives.