Withdrawal Symptoms

Haven’t had any alcohol in almost 12 hours and I’m experiencing some shakiness and anxiety. Anyone know what I should expect and how I can help myself if the symptoms get worse?

Going to the hospital would be your best bet for detoxing if you are having uncontrollable shakes. They’ll give you tranquilizers and the medical attention needed to get you well on your way to sobriety. Have someone take you or call for an ambulance.
May god bless you on this journey!


From my own experience when I withdrew from alcohol I needed to go to the hospital to "dry out" my withdrawal was horrible. If your shaking & anxiety worsens please get to the hospital! They will start you on an IV to rehydrate you & give you something for the anxiety. Alcohol withdrawal is nothing to mess around with, I know. Once you can get through the physical withdrawal then you will be ready to mentally get started on your journey into recovery. I wish you luck!

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I just realized it’s actually been closer to 24 hours but I will go to the hospital if it gets bad promise

Good, in the meantime it's important for you to stay hydrated, Gatorade, anything with electrolytes! I know it's hard if you're sick in your stomach.

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Get a medical professional involved now! Detoxing on your own can be harmful.

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Get electrolytes in you. But yeah seek a doctor if it gets worse. And it will sorry to say. Ask for Librium for the withdrawal symptoms

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