Why is resentment and jealousy such a bitch?

why is resentment and jealousy such a bitch?


I have this same issue right now I still can shake it.

Me too

I believe cause it limits our receptivity to receive positive information and thoughts. I have a few people paying zero rent in my head. I completely understand. I’m working the steps to see if that will help?

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this feeling is really 10 fold during sobriety and is definitely a slippery slope

Resentment is like wrapping a dirty towel around a bad cut. It may stop the bleeding for a while, and may keep others from touching it. But it also keeps it from healing and creates infection. Then it keeps hurting so we guard it from those who would help because it will hurt more. Resentment is a defensive mechanism we use to keep us from future hurt, but in the end it has turned into a festering wound that can kill us.

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As an old saying goes, holding on bitterness and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.

I had resentment over things and worked very hard to conquer it. Sometimes you have to keep forgiving until you truly forgive.

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I realized me holding resentment is actually self-abuse. Slowly I am recognizing this and am more willing to let myself be free of it but it is lifelong practice with inventory and prayer.

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I realized I never had resentment or jealousy when I was drinking because I didn’t care about much. Now that I am sober resentment and jealousy played a big part of my life now. Alcohol took me away from many feelings. Because I was drunk every day. Now that I have my self back so is all those feelings. But I can never understand resentment. Why should I hold onto resentment because somebody has something better than I got. When I have one thing better than I have that’s my sobriety. I look at that every time I think of resentment. The same thing goes with jealousy. To me those are two words that go hand-in-hand. But I learned through the years that nobody has anything better than I have. They worked very hard for what they got and I worked very hard for what I have and I need to say I’m fucking proud of it. So jealousy and resentment are two very strong words within your demon. And he uses them all the time to try to get us to go back. I refuse to let my demon take me back.
Ask yourself this question. Am I ready to let my demon take me back where I was?
And answer the question to yourself and be truthful.
God is good God is great and that’s the only thing that I have to remember.