Why does everyone think everyone is fake on here?

Why does everyone think everyone is fake on here? What is this..MySpace !? Lol I think it’s so silly to create fake profiles. But we’re sober and bored so why not I guess lmao. I’m real, not fake. Not looking to date but appreciate friends. FaceTime exists !! What a revelation.
Not an invite to ask to FaceTime with me but I’m def. on the 24/7 AA zoom meeting often. Start there!
Love & Light


Fight Club! People today live in there small worlds. They crawl out and hate what they see. So they become something there not. It’s sick but it’s true.

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Hi kim

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Because it’s easy to focus on other people than themselves

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I think the reason is that there are quite a few bots and fake profiles on here. No different than any other social site. It’s annoying but expected. Just be careful.


:astonished: Can you send me info about the 24/7 AA Zoom meeting that you’re referring to? There have been many times, especially lately, that I really needed a meeting but none were running in my area. Thanks!

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Type in 247 AA ZOOM meeting into google and the 24 hr marathon meeting website will show up

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Zoom ID : 292 371 2604

The 24/7 Zoom AA meeting ID is 292 371 2604. No passcode
It’s great highly recommend

Your trying to tell me you haven’t been approached by a fake person?

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No. I also don’t answer people at all but that’s just me

Well that’s why

Just meet in person., saves you trouble

And just how do you accomplish that

If you don’t answer people at all why are you here

Hey hey

The fake issue, serious on line, I think a guy hit it with 8 to 1 ,im thinking it ment for every 1 real there is 8 fakes, correct me if I'm wrong.

I know this is a sober app but scammers and thieves (just like dealer) have no limitations to take someone’s money

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