Why do i

Why do I always feel alone wanting to just be around someone who might love me but as soon as people are around me I just want to run and hide to be alone? It's like my fight or flight response is broken and always messes with me in the wrong place at the wrong time leaving me afraid to be this new sober me even though this new is the new that makes sense. I'm alone today but I don't want to be but I'm also afraid to be around people because I'm just going to run the first chance I get.


I know how u feel. I'm the same way. Trauma will do that to u.. if u wanna talk about it with someone how understands, im here. I'm also alone today.

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You have to stop thinking or feeling that you re alone,You 're not alone and you have to believe this.

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David, while I do believe we are one connected source of divine energy and love, we can still feel lonely. I feel lonely in my life because I have no friends and im not close with my family. I feel like i have no one to turn to, no one understands me (I know it sounds cliche, but its 100% true). I find myself seeking out strangers on the internet or turning to crisis hotlines more than anyone around me. And that is incredibly lonely. I have struggled with my mental health and feeling like im unloved and unwanted and i dont fit in or belong anywhere for years.. And no matter how much anyone says its not true or that they care about me, i just cant believe it (mostly because no one really shows they care).. It's sad to say that the ppl who love us the most will also hurt us the most.. most of the time I wanna be alone surrounded by only nature and animals because ppl tend to suck lol (not everyone of course)… the only time i dont feel alone is when i am by myself.

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That's exactly my issue, trying to get out the box

Thank you, I appreciate you reaching out.

I think we re both veiwing things differently on here. Things become more easier when we started seeing things differently.You have been fighting this for so long and you don't know just when to stop..Changing the ways you reacted to things around you is also a healing process.