Why did everyone decide to get sober? Feel free to

Why did everyone decide to get sober? Feel free to be as direct or vague as possible.

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I was fed up. I didn’t want to deal with my self-made chaos and drama anymore. And I was sick of feeling so out of control.


I didn't like who I was and how I was putting alcohol ahead of everything.


I woke up handcuffed to a bed in a trauma ward listening to the cop tell someone what I'd done. I listened to it all and wished he'd shoot me. After a couple days still chained to that bed I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and do whatever it took to make it up to the people I love


Overall health….Mind,body-You name it.I have goals and really just need to be fit for that duty.I really do not like the damages that come bubbling up to the surface when I am on the sauce.The only real chance of being any kind of real success,or achieving a solid sense of self worth in this Life for me,is going to be a sober one.I owe myself the opportunity nobody else can give me.Ill call it a gift.


I knew my health was bad but I ignored/disregarded the signs until I had to call 911 to brakedown my apartment door in the morning (sober) because I'd fallen and couldn't get up. It took me getting that weak to accept Vodka couldn't replace all my meals and I found out I had stage 4 liver disease. I was just managing to stay sober some mornings until the liquor store opened to buy another handle, drink everything else away and repeat. I don't want to be that me again.


None of the waking up in the er chained down, nurse welcoming back to life, all the medical detox lockups, inational rehab, jail, drama caused by my stupid drunk ass, frinds lost, family worn out, kids gone did it for me. I always found a way to justify what I'd done and taking another. What did me in was I think I quite literally pickled myself multiple times. By pickled I mean after days of never sobering up and only blacking out and coming to them blacking again.. my lips had a different taste to them always, my sweet had a wierd unnatural consistency and smell, my piss wasn't normal at all, my bowel movements not smelling like a normal one, finger nails feeling different, seeing things, shaking too much to get my card in the machine at the store. . Can't keep any food down so just drink, too sick from acute withdrawal not to drink too scared to drink more ..pickled drunk. Multiple times. Dry heaves, shakes, illusions, twitching, cold sweat, can't eat for days, anxiety attack near stroke or seizure withdrawals multiple times. That is what did it for me. I quite literally was going to die. It was not your run of the mill headache and puking hangover done tomorrow. It was a week process of hell probably won't be level for a month ordeal. Amd it was getting harder each time.

Jesus. This is me! Pretty close honeslty


Because I don't want to lose my marriage


Man,I feel you there.I have lost almost any semblance of a strong connection with anyone,at this point.The ones I really wanted in my Life run off because of my crap,and a dark cloud beyond my control.The people I did not want in my Life,I had to fight like he'll just to get away from.All of its pretty well heartbreaking.I can only take responsability for my part in this Life.I am down to the bone here.The last person to lose that don't run is me.

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I thought death would be the worst. Seeing my family suffer is far worse.

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Great question!! Why? Because as you can see by reading thru this thread, there are some that are IDENTIFYING with others' stories, thereby realizing that WE have a lot in common, despite coming from different backgrounds. Addition does NOT discriminate.

Me? I was living outdoors behind a hedgerow, in an urban area. I was using heroin intravenously, shooting up in the restrooms of coffee shops. At night, the cops would drive by the hedgerow, my hedgerow , and I swore that they were looking at me each time (they weren't :yum:) . I had been in recovery before for 7 years and knew somehow that I had to get back to the rooms of NA. I just became so scared that the next dose would kill me. A lifelong friend reached out to me and invited me to Florida, where I had no drug connections. Miraculously, I had money in the bank, even though I was dismissed from my job for erratic behavior :thinking:. I went to the train station and threw away $700 worth of dope, needles tourniquets, etc. I had had enough!! I got a one-way ticket to Pensacola. I kicked cold turkey on a couch. When I became strong enough, I started going back to NA meetings. Complete strangers welcomed me with open arms. That was 3 years, 2 months and 15 days ago. Today, I'm SO grateful to be clean today. I actually love my life today and am beginning to love myself. It's been difficult at times, but hey, that's life on life's terms, right? Thank you for letting me share. :pray::+1: