Why can’t I respond to comments on my other post?

Why can’t I respond to comments on my other post? It’s not working. Anyhow, I’ve been struggling. I drank last night and feel really depressed about it.

I recently experienced the same thing with drinking and feeling bad about it. Keep your head up and don't beat yourself up too much about it. Today is a new day. Let's make it a sober one together.

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Try to put it behind you.

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Try to keep positive. Relapse is in a lot of people’s recovery. Dust you’re self off and start over. I believe in you stay strong :muscle:

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What error message do you receive when you attempt to respond?

Let yesterday/last night be of the past. Today's a new day. Take it 1 day at a time. You have it in you.


It’s working for me now. It literally just wouldn’t send my reply. Like the reply button wouldnt do anything

Starting over, you know you can!