Why am I not enough

Why am I not enough. Why does he keep tossing me to the side? Why doesn’t he just let me go.

You have to be the one to put an end to it. You have to build your self worth, love yourself, love the person that looks at you from your mirror. He is a preditor and will keep coming back for a meal he knows is there. You are better than that, you are you, not a door mat to be walked on at will.

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I am here if you need to talk. You are worth talking to.

Hey Greg
I feel so alone at times
His actions say nothing more than what you said..
I’m nothing but a door mat to him. And I know deep down I’m the one that has to stop allowing that. But the thing is, I don’t understand why I just can’t let go as well.
I’m filled with shame and guilt

Have you gone to any meetings? That is a good place to meet new people. If you want, we can chat privately in the chat part of this app.