Who is struggling with the 13the step?

Who is struggling with the 13the step?

I met my SO in rehab. We've been together for over a year. Let me be honest, we did go out at first- literally the day of getting out- but after one week off the wagon together we got back up on our feet and never looked back ( at using together.) Yes, we did slip time and time again ( and we share the same drug of choice) but we never again used together. Instead, the only time drugs came into conversation was in relevance to getting help and getting clean. I've been sober during some times when he was not and that was a terrible pain that came with much lost trust ( cuz he nonstop lied about his use) and alot of heart ache and tough decisions but I stayed and I tried to remain somewhat calm. Eventually he told me the truth and we've both been clean and sober TOGETHER for half a year. I couldnt be happier. Being in a relationship with a fellow addict comes as both a blessing and a curse. If one of you slips the other needs to keep a VERY strong head on their shoulders or else both parties will fail and when an actively addicted couple uses together it tends to get messy and become less of a relationship and more of a codependent trash heap of misery loving company. But if you can keep STRONG BOUNDARIES, UNDERSTANDING and RESPECT, and most importantly FORGIVENESS and EMPATHY it WILL work as long as there is work being put in on both sides from both people. Good luck.

Sometimes being in a relationship with another addict is the best way to get motivated to stay on the path to a clean and happy life.

Don't do it! I got 13 stepped when I 1st came back and I 13 stepped someone after that. It took away 1 1/2 years of precious time I could've worked on myself. Remember, you only attract someone as sick as you. Learn to value and love yourself before seeking a relationship.