Whish someone could understand this battle with myself

Whish someone could understand this battle with myself

What battle?

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The battle is real and it's hard..But 1 day at a time.


Oh I get it believe me I do. I think a lot of us really understand. Keep sharing about it & let us know how we can help!


We all understand, believe me. That's why we're here. That's why fellowship works to arrest this disease. When you're with other addicts you're never alone.

Just make sure to reach out whenever you need help, just like you just did


What I love about being in a room of recovering addicts is that I don't have to explain my pain. They already know. They've lived it, and though the details vary, the story is always the same. It's fun until it's hell, and it's hell until you're done. And it ain't no picnic getting done. It's powerful to be surrounded by people who've been there. We're like shipwreck survivors, or war vets. No one who hasn't lived through it knows. But we know. There is something else we share that is equally important. We are finding a solution, a day at a time, out of the desperation and madness. And we can share our experience, our strength, and our hope with one another. It says in the Promises in the AA big book “no matter how far down the scale we have gone, we can see how our experience can benefit others”. That is the only way I can make any sense out of the horror show that was my life for so long. That I can understand another human being who has gone thru hell, and I can share some solutions that I have found.


bravo!! so well said!

Self-loathing led to my relapsing time & time again. Talk to someone ASAP. Once I let go of that My recovery has been easier. I focus on being a better person to myself & others. Days are easier (not easy) and my obsession w/alcohol has diminished.

Try giving yourself a break. It will make your day move easier. It's not easy to do, but it helps.