Where ever you go there you are...when i stopped using

Where ever you go there you are...when i stopped using meth, I turned to heroin. Heroin became the love of my life. I would do whatever it took to have it in my veins. I have been "clean" several times. But never looked at MY part in MY life. I blamed others for my problem's and never took accountability for my actions. When i got sober this time things were different. I went to treatment for my first time. Got into Oxford worked on the areas "I" wanted to work on....but then there was a fork in the road around my 2 years...i could go down a path of being miserable and hang on to my sobriety the best i could. Or i could walk down the other path and really look at the shit i pretend to forget about...today i have 11 months Of celibacy. i am very proud and grateful of where i am today. I was reading some journals i found from 2005. I was 15. I struggled at such a young age with thinking men and sex would fix my problems. It has been 15 years and i am finally able to find a solution to learning to be okay with Dorothy. My realization came a few days ago...when i had to tell myself food is not the answer. And tonight when im over-stimulated want something to comfort me like meth, heroin, men, food ect. I lay here uncomfortable because i know none of those things work as solution for me anymore....i cant wait for the rest of this to unfold...

Wow, congratulations! If you hadnt have said oxford I would have sworn you were telling my story for a minute there.

I love your post, self growth is absolutely real. :pray::+1:

I feel this to the bones. I hope to someday get where you are today. You truly are an inspiration! Great work on yourself. YOU are worth it!!

I know so many who are going down the same road you were on. I know people who were never doing drugs on that road. They don't want to admit their own part in life's issues, and they keep the cycle alive. I am glad you chose the path to healing. Good luck.


Yes, all of this! Learning to sit with our discomfort and let it be, then pass rather than numbing ourselves is such a major part of our recovery and growth.