When does it get better?

When does it get better?? Ive been sober almost 2.5 years (minus 1 day) and I’m more depressed then ever. My wife left cause of my drinking and my friends left cause of my sobriety. I have no family within a thousands miles and I can barely afford to rent a room out of someone else’s place. I never felt this way while drinking? I realize it covered up the pain but isn’t that better than hoping I don’t wake up each day? At least back then I looked forward to drinking. Now I look forward to nothing. I dread weekends. Dread being “home”. Dread being alone. So when does it get better??

Thanks for reaching out. I’ve never done yoga before. I’m not very spiritual so I wasn’t sure if that was something that could work for me. I’ll look into it.

Sheesh that's exactly what I'm talking about tho. Respect, brother

Are you working the 12 steps Chaz ? Are you sponsoring anybody ? How is your prayer life ?
My suggestion would be to get back to basics and get busy helping others. Also prayer and meditation are clutch. I know personally that I can equate my overall level of contentment to my spiritual fitness. It's going to be ok . If you need to talk I'm here brother.

Scott. Thanks for reaching out. Currently I am not sponsoring. I’m not confident in my own recovery, or life, and am really shy. Don’t think I would be of much help to anyone.

Hey Chaz!

Just curious if you are working with a sponsor in a 12 step program?
So from my experience, I think it’s important to find a home group (whether it’s aa, or whatever). There you will find people who once felt exactly as you do, and that now feel the complete opposite. Find out what they did, and try to be open and willing to do that too. A sponsor can help guide you through that. But it’s important to be open, willing to let go of old ideas.

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Hey right. It gets better from day one. Trust me it can get real ugly real quick my friend. Imagine a 25 to LIFE sentence or even death....and this can happen in an instant.

Anything is better than rock bottom....