What's Your Choice

Gym :muscle:

At Home Workout :house_with_garden:

I'm a fan of the gym

I'm a fan of the gym...I find the face to face interaction to be more motivating than solo at home. Very much the same for support meetings....didn't care much for Zoom although glad they were available during pandemic.

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I used to be a workout at home person with the occasional gym visit. COVID-19 has reminded me to seize the opportunity. So going to the gym is one of my favorite things to do. I couldn't go for so long.

I really use to love :cupid: classes. Looking forward to getting back to those

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Both, love to train at gym but also love to train at home too. They both offer different styles of training, both of which can be effective. :muscle:t2::grin::v:


I do both, but my dogs prefer the home work out )


I'm so unfamiliar with the gym, I have to call it James.


Alone at the gym ..I'm there to work out not socialize don't mean that in a bad or nasty way

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The gym and the mirrors at the gym keep me going also the people all there to improve themselves like an AA meeting but I love cranking my music in my basement lol

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I went to a gym for the first time in a while the other day and I surprisingly liked it a lot but I think it was because it was a mini private one lol

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For sure!

I do miss my Zumba classes.

I prefer to work in the yard but since it is cold...gym it is.

Outdoor, I love to run

I agree. For example, I love the walk a mile at home video. It's good for those who can't/don't want to get out. It's beneficial to those who physical issues because they stay active and don't have to worry about overworking themselves. This video would be nearly impossible to do at the gym due to lack of space.

My dog prefers to be outside. He'll be 7 soon and has the energy of a pup. :dog:

And they're FREE. A winning situation.

You are cray cray-cray. :crazy_face:

That's totally cool. Sometimes I wave at people. :joy::joy: The gym has more machines so I love it. I also feel if I'm alone or don't talk much with the person I am at the gym with I'm more productive. I get what you're saying about working out alone.

Yes! I love to see all the others at the gym, too, improving their lifestyle.