What was the moment you knew you had a problem?

I know it’s not so cut and dry for everyone. Even for me, it was after a series of “mishaps” and facing several negative consequences of my behavior that I realized it was time to stop.

But a lot of us also have one lightbulb moment that sticks out as especially memorable!

What was your moment?

Waking up at around 3 am and drinking .. that was pretty much the final straw for me along with the more frequent vomitting (sorry it's still early.) That's what did it for me this time around. Last time like 18 years ago when I got sober for the first time it was alot of my friends that came together and told me and me nearly losing my job over it. This time around I felt more in contol but it always creeps up to binging moments and wreckless behavior I wouldn't wanna tell people about and that also stood out to me if I'm hiding it and lying about it that's a pretty clear sign I need to stop.


I kinda knew but just didnt want to label or tell kyself anything because I didnt want to stop. I have ptsd and at the time I didnt really know much about it, or that I had it. Before I used I was very much a strsightedge person, I didnt even like coffee. When my symptoms got heavy I relied on alcohol to get me through. People around me kinda stopped encouraging me to drink, and even my dealers stopped selling stuff to me cause they worried about me (who knew they were so nice lol?). I knew it was bad when I would drink at college all the time. Education is very important to me and I was throwing it away. I decided to stop when my precious dog passed away last year. I thought it was my fault cause i knew i shouldnt have drank but i got drunk and i let him out without thinking and he got run over. I told myself I was gonna try to stop from that night on. It took two months of on and off “light drinking” for me to finally quit it in February. It mightve been a sign to stop when I shouldve, because I didnt face any other consequences thankfully. No DUI or anything. Just shame and remorse, but at least it woke me up to get my life on track.

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I truly knew when all that mattered was making sure I had enough alcohol. And that was it, if there was none, I was nervous, if someone wanted to do something else, i was nervous…. Booze really took me. I had no will to do anything accept drink, no joy in life other than boozing. That is when iwanted to change

Drank, drI’ve, got stuck in the desert, had to dig myself out, and then explain where I was for three hours.

one ? More llike too many but when my wife left that’s when I really started doing something about it.

When I realized drinking was no better than doing crack.

Damn I can relate to so much of that

I’m so sorry to hear about your pup :pensive: and I’m happy that sobriety stuck for you this time around. I think the shame and regret from the things I had done in a blackout or drunken state were the major motivators for me put the drink down. And although I don’t have PTSD, I struggle with other mental health issues and know how complicated it can be to treat them alongside substance abuse issues. It’s really hard when you realize you might have been self-medicating for a long time. sending you warmth and positivity :pray:t3:

Thanks for your honesty, Erik. I know what you mean about feeling nervous when you can’t get your fix. It’s such an uncomfortable and scary feeling. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with it anymore.

:astonished: - glad you’re sober now

Yeah I had several too lol as in, a decade worth of awful experiences but certain instances stick out to me as especially important. Like my underage DUI :sweat:

That part!!!