What to do when your sponsor relapses and relapses hard

What to do when your sponsor relapses and relapses hard. I'm struggling to get him to go to detox, heck, it's hard getting him to do anything. He worked in a recovery center but made some bad choices and he went back to old habits after 8 years. I need advice

Just be his friend and be there for him. That's all you can do. Just like any other struggling alcoholic/addict, he won't seek help until he is ready. And stay sober yourself, that comes first.


STAY SOBER. This is a good example of not staying vigilant about our sobriety. He won't do anything until he makes the choice to do it, he has to be ready. Stay his friend, but don't get sucked back into your old habits. Stay strong and pray.


Oh I'm not worried about my sobriety. Watching him is a great reminder not to do drugs

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One of my sponsors had a near fatal event after mixing alcohol and cocaine. She was put into a coma for 1 month. Our friends were really worried all along and now this. When she can out of the coma, she went into a nursing facility to recuperate ( not a drug rehab). She hated it. And complained ALOT. After she came home, she continued to complain. After a while all of us had enough. I told her that we were told she might not survive and were all very concerned that long month.. I told her that I'd support her recovery but not her ungrateful attitude. Period. It was her choice, her problem. Don't call, text, write until you're ready to take responsibility for your actions then and now. All of us agreed to tell her the same. And we didn't back down. It has been a long physical recovery for her, as she fell face forward and broke nearly every bone in her face. She is struggling, to be sure. But as friends and family began to drift away, she finally realized that we wouldn't be there the next time. We had to set boundaries with her. It got her attention. My sobriety is more important to me than hers.i have worked hard to make changes and face life on life's terms. And after 15 years, I still do it one day at a time..
Josh, you can't force your sponsor to change. Your sobriety is more important. Maybe time for another sponsor. He'll change his behaviors when he's ready. Or not. Anyway, in the meantime, focus on yourself. If you have no support at home, chat with us. We're all here for you.


Josh im sorry yo hear about your sponsor and yes you should definitely worry about your sobriety and my advice to you is just to pray for him or let someone help them and don’t interfere and right away get a new sponsor..
Unfortunately it happens my friend !! People relapse not only after 8 but sometimes after 10 and 15 years ! When it comes to this point Its a choice
God bless you and him and all who are struggling :heart: