What sobriety has given me to date…

Memory, willingness to connect and keep in touch be it family if appropriate or friends or acquaintances, faith, glimmers of purpose, appreciation for the hardship of life and most importantly to me interest-wise, music discovery.


I'm happy for you.


Thank you Ms. Amanda :heart:

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I was grateful when I began to have a glimpse of purpose. It made me feel needed.

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Keep it up

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Way to Go Chelsea! Congratulations on your progression, & growth, & faith! Very joyful for you! All The Best, God Bless, Peter :pray::heart::cowboy_hat_face:

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Exactly….remaining grateful for those glimpses and trying to hang onto them is really special. Helps more than anything else personally :heart::pray:

Thank you, John. I appreciate your kind words. I hope you have a great day.

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Thank you for the reminder, Eric. And for your kind words. Take care :blossom:

Thank you kindly, Peter! God Bless :heart::pray: have a great day. I hope this week is going well.

More will be revealed! Keep it going 24 hours at a time! Proud of ya :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Brennan :slightly_smiling_face: means so much. 24 hours at at time. Thank you for the reminder

Congrats Chelsea! May I ask how long you have been sober for, if you don’t mind?

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Thank you, Jules! Yes I have 4 years

Your welcome. Hope u have great day also, reach out if u ever need to talk

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Thank you, John. Same to you.

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Has given me life!

Beautifully said!