What’s it worth to be sober for five years?

What’s it worth to be sober for five years, when you have less people in your life than you were at your worst? Five years is not a rush to judgment.


Thank you Maggy, I do remember why alcohol was not a good escapism. My body felt terrible every morning, I was numb to everything around; it’s easy to forget that ~ plus it’s nice to always have extra money in your pocket lol


I wish I had five years! Early recovery is a challenge. I don't know about you, but I had to get rid of those negative influences, that's why there are fewer friends. But the quality of remaining friends are better. Hang in there!

Fur babies cannot be under estimated!

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I hear you, I have 2 people that I’m very close to in the program, my sobriety sista and my sponsor after that I have the fellowship in the program and how I maintain that is lots of meeting and service work, I don’t feel as lonely when I’m helping and working with others. Hang in there.

I find that the friends that I have in sobriety are that I like to have, not need to have. We are supportive of each other, always there in times of need.

It's worth it to be sober because you're at your best. You're healthy in mind and body.

But welcome to the club: I don't have a single sober friend. The only sober people in my life go to church with me; and we consider each other family.

I thought I had friends when I was a drinker. Once they found out that I didn’t drink anymore and I was sober they stop coming around. No nothing from them. But now that I’ve been sober for many years I have more friends now and I had when I was a drinker. And yes I do have some friends and still drink. But they know not to drink around me and I’m grateful for that. But I know when I need help I know who I can really depend on. The people that’s in recovery this is my real family. This is where I’m supposed to be and this is where I’m going to be. So hang in there It gets better trust me

I think Alcohol fools you into thinking you weren’t alone when you’ve actually been alone this whole time. I’ve embraced the loneliness of being an alcoholic and for whatever reason have stopped feeling bad for having few friendships and have instead cherished them.

I am reminded of a joke. "Everyone talks about Jesus and his miracles. But the one they never talk about is the one where a guy in his 30s has 12 friends." I hear from folks all the time who lost all their friends when they stopped drinking. Were they really friends? If your friendship hinged on drinking it wasn't friendship it was codependency. Finding sober friends isn't easy, but they will be true friends. Try finding sober groups for hobbies you have.

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In the same boat. I actually went to a "old friends" bday party and they are still doing the same thing. I felt my growth at that point. My quality of life and progress is leaps and bounds ahead of were it use to be. We are still friends but I feel like I'm on a totally new level of life and wouldn't trade it for anything.

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