What medications do doctors give you to handle withdrawl?

What medications do doctors give you to handle withdrawal? Any over the counter medications?

Doctors can and will prescribe medication to help you with symptoms. I declined medication.

I was in rehab during my detox they did not give me anything my DOC is opiates and the withdrawal sucked life is good today clean and sober 6 years now

I took antidepressants, blood pressure medicine and trazodone for sleep in the beginning. I still do not know how much, if any, it helped.

If it is such that medication is required, a person should go to detox, where it can be medically supervised. Withdrawal can be deadly. After withdrawal, Suboxone and methadone are commonly prescribed for opiates. Anti-anxiety such as valium can be prescribed for alcohol. Even the prescribed medications themselves carry a risk of developing a dependence on them, so I would say a person would want to give it careful consideration. OTC could be melatonine or Benadryl for anxiety. Withdrawal is nothing to mess with. I have many trips to the emergency room to testify to that. I would tell someone to consult a doctor before trying to deal with it on their own.

Do you mind me asking what daily amount you were shifting from to go sober?

How much did I drink daily?

I drank as much as I had, generally. I “controlled” my intake by buying a bottle a day I guess. Not proud of it but there were days when a 1.75L bottle of whiskey was gone by the next morning.

As to the meds, i was on 75 mg bupropion and 100 mg trazodone. I don’t remember what the blood pressure med was.

I really appreciate the transparency. Ive got trazadone and some carvedilol. I think it is working, but wondering how long i'll take it

The thing that works best is giving your body time to correct itself. Once my trazodone ran out I didn’t refill it. Occasionally I’ll take melatonin.

I was a straight drunk. Never messed with drugs or pills. So I don’t really worry about taking a little melatonin but I do understand why some people won’t Recovery is trial and error I guess. Definitely not 1 size fits all.

I continue to take camprel to help with cravings because better safe than sorry. And I've always taken an antidepressant. Trazodone is great in the beginning because most addicts/alcoholics have anxiety and issues sleeping for awhile after sobering up. Good luck

When I worked in rehab, we had standing orders to give Gabapentin to our patients detoxing from alcohol, for possible seizures.

Hi there! In various detoxes I was given ativan or librium. Definitely helped with tremors and anxiety. As far as otc meds, I'm not sure what would work, if anything. Be safe and if you have withdrawal symptoms, best to have it medically supervised.