What is the Most Useless Talent You Have?

I can say the alphabet backwards without missing a beat.


Haha awesome!

Overthinking everything :hugs:


Me, too. :unamused::woozy_face:

I can paint.

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@casey86602, why do you feel that's useless?

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I have no idea how to respond to that.

I can read text upside down.

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LOL! I couldn't do that. Good for you!

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That's pretty cool.

? Not sure I know what you mean? About me being able to paint? I love painting.

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That's good. I was asking about useless talents. One of mine is saying the alphabet backwards.

I can clap with 1 hand

4That would be my relationship skills. I have the honor of screwing up every one I've had with the women in my life.