What is the cure for insomnia?

What is the cure for insomnia ?

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There’s no cure; talk with your doctor about sleep-aiding medications like Trazodone. I take melatonin each night which helps (no prescription needed). And, try a meditation app right at bedtime, like Insight Timer. Hope one or all of these helps.

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Reading in bed help me a lot, pills are addictive

I did use trazodone for the first 6 months or so. It’s a mild antidepressant that knocks me out for hours. But now I’m down to melatonin as suggested above.

Just kidding :joy:. I wish I knew

I got a prescription of Ambien from my doctor. Zolpidem is the generic name which is cheaper but be careful of becoming addicted to sleeping pills

Hi Rebecca. Yes be careful. I got addicted to it. :hugs:

I’m so sorry about that!!. I never really get addicted because my body gets used to it & then it stops being effective so then I give it up for several months before I ask my doctor for it again. In between, I use Melatonin, sleepy time tea & sleep meditations from the Calm app. Good luck!!!

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I take a small dose of trazodone. It really helps.

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Good for you!!

A friend of mine eats a handful of pastacios It has natural melatonin.
Magnesium helps too!!

Trazodone gave me the most bizarre dreams that it was worse insomnia. I have to be in bed for 9 hours in order to get 7 hours of sleep so turning out the light & lying in the dark for a long time helps. According to Fitbit, I’m awake for over an hour every night so starting the bedtime routine early is a good tip!

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I’m the same way,
I take a very small does and it keeps me from waking up a million times a night.
All of our bodies are so different.
Not gonna lie....ambien was nice but when i started craving it i knew I had a prob.

I try to get at 10000 steps a day. Avoid sugar and (coffee after noon). I have to admit after trying melatonin and tea with no results I’m grateful for my addictive cocktail of drugs ever night for the past 20 + years. Saved my life.