What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

It can be about anything. Advice is needed and at times hard to ask for. This post is created to share pieces advice readily available when other members need it

I remember others in AA telling me to say to myself and to others: "I can't promise you that I will never drink again, but I can promise you that today is not the day. " I thought that was so cool because it took my eyes off forever and had me focus on what was in front of me, and that was protecting my sobriety one day at a time.

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I have a book titled “If I Could tell you just one thing”. It’s a compilation of advice from entrepreneurs and philanthropists. I highly recommend!

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Under any circunstance dont use talk about about it first

Stay true to yourself And be gentle on yourself too.

Misery is optional.

Listen more, Speak less. It changed me for better.

“Having a clean conscience is the softest, most restful pillow you can ever sleep on.” - Mrs. P, my ex-GF mother.