What is smart recovery? Not aware of that

What is smart recovery? Not aware of that. Just AA and NA etc...... Old fashioned I guess.

It's a program for people who are turned off by the thought of spirituality, and who don't want to follow the steps of a twelve step program. It is supposed to offer you tools in order to manage your addiction on your own terms. They have meetings and members just like AA, although they are less formal.

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Thanks for info. I have been sober awhile and never really heard of it. Do some consider it a easier softer way?

Yes, that is an example of a softer, easier way.

Thanks. They keep on coming up with stuff that doesn't work out as well as the AA program. It saved me some years ago for sure. It is a simple program with deep implications for a better, richer life. Love the program.

It's not God based recovery..

I am aware of that. I was stating that before we had smart recovery we had a choice back when I got sober. You could chose non faith or faith choices within.AA. The need to be separate is prevalent everywhere.

I meant all these little sobriety groups coming up. AA and NA have been free. Others charge a bit for their services

That is why I mentioned that AA is still free. I did not pay for rehab when I needed sobriety almost 30 years ago I walked directly in to the rooms of AA. It worked for me like that. So much more complicated now.