What is everyone’s “go-to” drink when they are in a

What is everyone’s “go-to” drink when they are in a setting where others are drinking alcohol? Are there any good substitutes? I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this. Thanks!

Iced coffee and an idgaf look on my face.


I have to go to a few fundraising events a years for a charity I actively work with and most are happy hour focused :sweat_smile::confused:.

I order a seltzer with lime in a small glass. But drink water too so it doesn't look like you just downed 7 vodka sodas :wink:.

I prefer not to but it makes those easier then repeating, "I'm good" to every other person.

I like seltzer with fresh lemon and limes.

I drink virgin Bloody Marys, Sprite, or Sparkling Water. :yum:

Sometimes I just say “I’ve already had enough” and leave it at that if people look at my coffee weird.

Tea, or sheltzer water and lemonade

Soda water with lime

Diet A&W rootbeer

Iced coffee, sparkling water, Shirley temples (:

I love Shirley Temples.

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I always just ask for the non alcoholic selection

I didn't always prefer alcohol at social gatherings even before I went sober. If I was at a bar, sometimes I would opt for the non-alcoholic Heineken. At barbecues, nobody questioned if I chose Dr. Pepper over beer, because everyone who knows me knows I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. I'd just say, "I don't feel like drinking today," and that was that. I think we can sometimes project onto other people how much they actually care about what we're drinking. As long as no one's stopping them from drinking, all is well.


I’ve been loving those bubly sparkling water drinks, they have a new grapefruit one that tastes just like a white claw and has caffeine!

iced chai tea latte

I love chai latte. Have you ever had mocha added? It is so good. I also like to get a double dirty chai latte. That's two shots of espresso added.

I love strawberry lemonade.

I’ll have to give the mocha a try - sounds tasty. I enjoy the cinnamon they add at the coffee shop I go to.

Put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up