What have some of you all done to manage

What have some of you all done to manage the boredom? I have 0 friends anymore and have been forced to work from home. Sometimes the solitude isn't good for a wondering mind.

Video games are great to keep your mind and hands busy.

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Hi Quinton,
I understand about friends. You'll make new friends. I have my music to combat boredom, even I still get bored. I sing,.play sax and piano. Teach full-time from home. No matter how much I have going on, sometimes I still get bored. Accept it and move. I know that I can't go back to what I use to do. No way! Think of how far you've come and celebrate your successes.
All the best to you.

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I got to meetings. Met new friends and consult you stuff with them.


Video games and puzzles.

Long 2 hour daily walks

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Video games, magic card games lol im a nerd