What Does Sober Mean?

I've heard discussions lately about alternatives to abstinence. For example, replacing alcohol with marijuana. Or ways to control drinking. Is that considered sober? If I choose these routes, do I still work a recovery program? Or is the goal simply to eliminate what was causing damage in my life. Will this eliminate it for good? Or should I stick to my program and stay abstinent. Thought I would get a discussion going...


I’m very curious to hear people’s thoughts on this. I smoked CBD flower for a few months (I’m around 16mo sober) which started to include marijuana occasionally. I feel that because of where I was in my journey, it helped me tremendously. Buuuut... then I came to the realization that my intake was increasing too much and ultimately I don’t think I can do much of anything I enjoy in moderation. So I stopped. My methods have been pretty non traditional from the start though. No programs or meetings. It was will power and determination. And NA beers. The NA’s have helped me the most honestly. I rarely drink them anymore but I feel that mentally, it was a great alternative at times I socially wanted to blend in or I had a hard day. Great topic and again I’m curious to hear what the group says. Thanks!

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Thanks for your input Matt!

