What does everyone feel is the root cause of their

What does everyone feel is the root cause of their addiction? I know they say it’s hereditary, but nobody in my immediate family was alcoholic. My mom did have an uncle that was and my dad’s brother is. I personally think mine is from depression due to life events. What’s your opinion?


For me, it was there to be used. I have an extreme personality, I used to extremes, I drank to extremes, I isolate to extremes, I sober to extremes. Just who I am.

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My father was and sister still is, I didn’t start drinking until I was 32 after the loss of my mom and divorcing my ex, so depression played a big part

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Biology, environment, development. Influences risk.:flushed:

It was all through my family! But my younger sister took it into the cocaine n crack. Which in turn I joined her. She was diagnosed with 6 months to live n given 360 oxi’s a month, chemo n cocaine! Her whole family n me care giver were addicted n she survived for 3 years!


It started with my family. I started drinking at the age of 12 If I didn't drink I wasn't part of the Family as I was told.. So thru my years I drank when I was happy, sad , depress, confused ,divorced, mad etc. THAT I DIDN'T KNOW WHY I DRANK, A HABIT I GUESS. But NOW I'm working on me..


I started at 11.

Hey good question
Honestly for me I think it was something about my childhood
My father was alcoholic so can you imagine my situation at home? Not blaming anyone but in step 4 discovery and recovery it was the best way not only found the root of my addiction but I found a solution
A lot of misunderstanding,ignorance stereotypes about the alcoholism disease

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Wow around the same age..

Broken heart. I should just learn to give up!
About love, not sobriety.

It runs in my family, but I've also battled with depression since I was a young child, and life events have just added to it.

Anxiety, stress, and a really crappy former employer. Alcohol was my unsustainable coping strategy that just dug my hole deeper into losing control and amplifying stress.

Hello there,
For me started with childhood trauma and sexual abuse. As I unpacked all of that, I realized that I didn't have the tools to manage stress effectively. My profession is stressful as it is, however rewarding it is. I prayed, made up my mind, and took action. So so so much better now.


Social anxiety. I “cured” that with drinking when I realized that while drunk, I could be extremely outgoing and make friends with anyone and finally not feel anxious. Of course it ended up getting way out of control.

Heredity, I learned, plays a role in extreme cases of alcoholism. But generally, those with substance abuse disorders suffer from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Me, personally, I know I have always struggled with anxiety and low self worth. Alcohol was a lovely antidote to not care as much about any of that. I also have a family culture/history of problem drinking and interpersonal dysfunction. But after experience(s) with assault, alcohol became a way to numb the terror and confusion of the trauma I incurred as a result.