What do you do with your weekend nights?

Really trying to figure out what I’m suppose to do with my weekends, mostly evenings. Sitting home watching tv isn’t cutting it. And I’m 100% not ready to hang out around friends who drink all night all. I feel like I have no friends AT ALL who don’t drink. Hence why I’m here : )


I’m trying to figure this app out as well. Hoping it brings what we’re looking for!

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Never was big in social media, but app does help. Knowing others are out there going through the same things and being able to reach out if necessary helps.

As far as filling time, I wish I knew what to tell you. Not big on TV either, so I threw myself into a couple of hobbies. Had a knack for woodwork and have been tinkering with bicycles since I was a kid, so I pick up what I can where I can and breath new life into things for fun and very little profit. Keeps me occupied and I can find a Zen like quality to the work when I get in the zone.

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Good evening everyone. When I first started recovery I felt the same way. Nothing to do at night especially weekends. So I found meetings to go to and made a lot of friends there. Different friends than what I had. Remember they say people places and things have to change. Trust me they’re absolutely right. Once I get to know some people in the meetings. After the meetings they all go out to a restaurant and have coffee and just talk. Or we Would get together and go to the movies. There’s always something to do that’s different than what you’re used to. This time goes on and you meet more people in your life that are in recovery. You’ll find it easier and easier to find different things to do. I know during this time with the pandemic it’s kind of hard to find things to do. But don’t forget there’s always meetings there’s always people that you can call and talk to. You just have to set your mind to it. You’ll see what I’m talking about when time comes. Especially during the summer time.


I know how you feel. When I first got sober I would still go out with my wife and friends and feel left out alot. We're currently separated and the weekends I don't have my kids can get pretty lonely. I found some friends on here that helped with that. Feel free to reach out if you need to.

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Thank you I truly appreciate the message. And messages from everyone. I completely agree on having to change the friends. I need to go to church. And just need to meet new people. Get out there to the RIGHT places. Not bars hahaha.

Feels relatable. Sucks being the odd ball that isn’t able to enjoy cocktails with friends. I’ve had 2 pieces of chocolate tonight as a treat for doing good tonight LOL.

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I have a bowl of ice cream as mine... you are in good company here :smiley:

Meetings! Online and in person. All kinds of recovery groups from 12 step to Buddhist Revovery...Find new people that don’t drink or use.

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I try to get the one thing I don't all week...sleep


I read. My gf and I do big puzzles. I’ve got my kids to distract me. I build stuff. Fix stuff. Meetings. Walk the dogs, or at least play with them. Bike rides. BBQ.

I still see my old circle of friends once in a while, and usually only for an hour or 2.

I'm in the same boat. Getting bored on Fridays and Saturdays

I know the feeling. I'm trying to find places I can get involved with for service. Helps with loneliness and is super rewarding

Sometimes take a drive around the lakes and stop at the DQ, go to the laundromat or walking at the mall - any little thing to break up the time. If I read I want to sleep😕

Hey, I feel ya! I have one friend and he still drinks, not super excited to go chill with him. I ended up investing in myself and took a few classes, kept busy fixing and finally doing the projects I had been putting off for so long. Picked up a new hobby of fitness and wellness.

I’m right there with you. Seems like all my friends were drinking buddies. I got clean for 6 months and one day went out with them and thought “meh, it’s been this long and I’ve been strong. I can have just one” BOOM, 1 turns into who cares and here we are starting over. It’s hard. I’m 38 and came to my moms for the weekend just to be in good company and not be tempted. Hang in there. We made a bunch of food, did a puzzle, and took the dogs for walks so far. The weekends are tough but we’ll figure it out :muscle:t3:

Segregating ur self from alcohol is def paramount especially initially. Gradually u will be able to integrate some social scenes and be around people who drink. After a while ur inner strength and mental fortitude will dictate and not that little voice in ur head that tends to get us in trouble “ALL THE TIME”!!!

Kelly I’ve been sober for 3years and feel amazing. I started going to the gym at 6am and lift weights you’ll also be in bed at 9pm with no thought of drinking . You’d be surprised the support group this creates. You’ll make new friends, get in shape and become the person you want to be. If this sounds hard you’ll need to find that one thing that defines you to start your new journey.
Good luck

I downloaded the app meetup and found a few sober groups in my area. There are a couple sober hiking groups that do a few different hikes each week and bigger ones on occasion. I also joined a social sober group and signed up for their movie event next weekend. It is just hard overall because of the pandemic, but I was happy to find that there are sober social options if you look for them.

Hey Kelly, great question. I've found volunteering, walks, hobbies, coloring, yoga, or an app called meetup have been helpful in some capacity these past 2 years sober. Hope this helps and u will definitely find sober friends. I've met a lot through the program I work which is called Recovery Elevator.