What do you do when you finish your stash?

When you finish your stash, what’s your way of preventing yourself from getting more?

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The way I prevent oh getting that next one when I really desired to stop I just stopped that’s it for no more using. If someone really wants to stop using they will. I did because my desire to stay clean it’s greater then my desire to use one day at a time


Had a few typo errors my bad

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I wish it were that easy. I need to find more coping mechanisms

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Lol yes I’ve been going to meetings I need to find a sponsor and numbers from the guys only want one thing :joy:

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Ohhh I’m an idiot LMAO I thought you meant something else haha

Play the tape to the end, as they say.


The program of recovery is a process & set up in steps & stages , each one reveal a little more about us & what we must do , using is a small ingredient in the disease of addiction. I believe in you….


That part always gets to me. Not even in a guilty way, but in a way to remind me that its the disease talking not me.

Flush the first stash before you finish it


Think of how your life will be!!

Erica, when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired you will start showing up at meetings with a real desire to get sober and stay sober. There is a way out of this and there's a whole life out there that is waiting for you but you are the one that has to make the decision to put the brakes on what you're doing now. You can't do it alone so don't try.


The Insidious cycle of insanity.

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It's gonna get to a point that stash just dosen't work anymore and u gonna be in so much pain which is either we get help or we die jail or institutions...

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Sponsors should not be trying to date or hookup. If they are, report them. Not cool to use someones addiction like that.

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Erika, the best advice I can give is to seek support. This is really hard going it alone. I try to make it my daily mission to seek help everywhere i can. This app, AA meetings, books, blogs, SOBER friends. I just try to build a strong support system. Therapy helps. I tell myself every night to think how happy i will be in the morning if u can just pull through one more day. Go towards the light. You got this!!!!