What do you do , when you are alone,

What do you do , when you are alone, no one to talk to , regretting everything that happened. Do you have any healthy videos or prayers you watch

I pray. I ask God to forgive me. I forgive myself. The latter is the most difficult.

Though you have done some things you're not proud of doesn't mean you're not worth forgiveness nor does it mean you're worthless.

You admitted your shortcomings. You've owned up to the consequences. Now, accept the forgiveness, the help your family is giving you, and whatever you need to do to be sober.

You are an amazing person who had a rough patch. I'm extremely proud of you.

Thanks alot. I appreciate it. I am not a bad person. They were bad decisions. I will involve myself with church regularly

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I have to agree with Amanda. If I watch something I look up certain messages I know we're preached that help me. I also find my church YouTube and binge.


I usually look toward what will be, I read, listen or play music. I’m still alone besides when I see my son on the weekends. if you go to meetings or plan on going. You won’t be alone. Just being on here will help.

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Thank you very much jonathan

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That's the attitude.

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No one to talk with all by myself no one go walk with just me and my radio Ain’t miss behaving saving all my love for you ! Lol

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Audiobooks, podcasts or recordings of speaker meetings on headphones can help interrupt the negative self talk and/rumination patterns for me. I can still think too much with music :relaxed:

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Time heals all heartache

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I chant Nam myoho renge kyo and in English the refuge prayer. I say this just to mean, it has to feel authentic, so if the Serenity Prayer doesn't feel right, rewrite it.