What do you do for fun in recovery?

What do you do for fun now in sobriety that you wouldn’t do in your active addiction ?


I love playing boardgames.

I'm terrible at bowling.

Go out to eat with family

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I struggle with this. I don’t know what to do. I find I don’t enjoy most things when not drinking :confused:

Know where I’m going to wake up...

Go to the lake or river. I want to camp again some day but my last relapse was on a camping trip so I’m still working out my plans for that one. Reading for pleasure is something I didn’t know how much I missed. BBQ and bike rides. All the outside stuff.

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Work on my car and go to meets and car cruises. Actually can afford to buy cool things for my car too lol

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I started reading again :slight_smile: used to read a book a week or 2 weeks. Its been a year into my sobriety and finally have the energy/attention to be able to sit down and read! I have so many books and comics to look forward to jaja

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Cooking, hiking, running

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Surfing, making jewelry, wood working, playing lots more with the kids!


What’s that ?


That’s how I feel about weed right now I’m right there with you but we got this !!

I’ve been sober 38 days, and I’m still having brain trouble - impaired short-term memory, no ability to focus at all, slow cognition, impaired problem-solving. I wish I could read more than a few pages a day! You say it took a year for you to regain the focus and energy needed for reading? Did you do anything special to rehabilitate your brain, such as exercise, meditation, taking supplements, etc.?

Climbing boulders

I get that honestly. Im past 450 days of sobriety and I barley finished a book last week. Ive been in therapy for about 3 years. I just started going to aa meetings. And I finally found a medication that works for me. Im on an antipsychotic now for my ptsd where as before i was taking antidepressants and it made me feel worse. I have a dog that has to be walked. In the first two months of sobriety I honestly could barley do anything. I could barley work and in the end I quit my job. The first few months is hard im not gonna lie. But just trying to assess what it is you need in the moment helped me build energy over time to concentrate on things I want to accomplish. Its really frustrating at first but being patient is key.


Play guitar.:heart:

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