What can someone expect from their first meeting?

What can someone expect from their first AA meeting? Do you have to speak in the meeting (virtual and in person). I want to go but I have so much anxiety thinking about it.

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You could expect that people will be happy that you are there. They will probably try to provide you with a sponser to do the 12 steps with and encourage you to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. You don't have to say much.

They’re good to go and listen to others. You do not have to speak if you don’t want but I noticed some times I feel better. I still struggling staying sober, but going helps me stay sober that day

Don't think about it do it,its not that bad, you might like it..

You can always say I just want to listen. If you're In a good meeting people will make sure you have a phone list and suggestions for a at least a temporary sponsor. However if you have a bad experience please don't let that deter you from trying another one. There a lot of great meetings out there and once you find one they become like family. Super stoked that you're going let us know how it went.