What are you grateful for?

I have been noticing my thoughts going to, "I want. I need" instead of, " I am grateful for". I painted this ceiling tile when I was in rehab the after hospital and just remembered it.

What are you grateful for today?


Thanks for sharing this. I was grateful today for being able to appreciate a rare warm/sunny April day in Seattle without feeling like I needed a drink to make it special. Looking at some apple blossoms and enjoyed being able to appreciate them for themselves vs. through a filter of alcohol.


I am grateful that I found this app today. I am hopeful that it will help.


It's helped me. I hope it helps you too. Welcome :wave:!


I'm grateful for another day clean & sober


Small moments of harmony with my children :heart:


Being grateful will heal your perspective of life

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I am grateful for the ability to think clearly... I might not always like my thoughts, but dealing with them sober is helping me stay present.

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Who I have become after I stopped drinking.

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Greatful for my life

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I completely agree Bryan :+1:. I can't believe now how I just walked around and functioned in a fog like that all of the time ... and I think I am smarter :nerd_face: now :joy:!


I'm starting to see that more everyday. Thank you Larry :blush:.

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That's wonderful Anna :clap:! What would you say you are most proud of or enjoy now about a new you?

That's beautiful Lauren :heart_eyes:.

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I'm grateful for communities that support one another.

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My health and this app and Virtual AA meetings and my sponsor

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Fried chicken, almond milk, my husband, my family, health, sleep at night.

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All good things :grin:

I agree :+1:. A group I've started attending more often is start virtual reality AA meetings with like avatars and stuff. I might check it out. I guess it's just as if everyone was actually sitting in the room

Thankful, greatful. etc. The sun was up when i got up, i see grass growimg UP not down. Life gave me cherries, theres a few pits but i spit out. I lost my son to this Killer. Dont be a victim