What are u thankful for?

Thankful for my boo


I'm thankful for my husband, boiled eggs, this community, friendship, knowing greater is coming, Jesus, the ability to live.

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Gratitude list 4/21/21

  1. coffee ( on my way to work)
    2)show up to life (sober)
    3)my car
    4)Understand things don't need to be perfect. My first thought is usually wrong.
    5)My mom
    6)willingness to do the right thing
    7)let go let God
  2. Humility
    9)AA meetings other in the program
  3. today I will not drink

I need to practice number 4 more often.

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Yeah number 4 is big for me too. Thanks guys.

Gratitudelist /22/21

  1. Definitely coffee after working a all-nighter.
    2)No one as to change for me.
    3)Working with other alcoholics.
    4)Improve listening skills.
    6)I don't have to drink today!

I'm thankful for healthy food, my job, good movies, the fact I've almost jumped through all the hoops to get my license, and the fact I'm learning to accept myself so well.

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My relationship with my family