What are some of the highlights of your sobriety?

What are some of the highlights of your sobriety?

Having a bank account with more than 25 cents in it

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Been able to remember a whole day from morning to night.

Lol yes

Along with Jesus, I had two parties recently and I was able to be present and remember it start to finish!!!

Yes that is def a big pluss

That is a blessing

It's great being able to be present and have no regrets the next day huh

For me it has been the ability to get to know myself. If that makes any sense lol

Learning how to be my authentic self has been a gift I never experienced before sobriety. When I have peace with myself, I have peace with others.

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I can brush my teeth without gagging.

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No hangover, tasting food (Good and Bad), remembering the last 24 hours, not falling, the sunrise, driving without paranoia when I see a cop, no tremors, and being with my family.

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My kids like me again. They always loved me, but you know.

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Not asking my self the big question “what the hell happend last night”????

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Yes it is . Just one day at a time now. A


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Several but the most important one is that my precious granddaughters have always had a sober grandmother.

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