What are some activities you enjoy?

Challenge: use emojis only

Here are mine

:fire::christmas_tree::birthday: :cookie:


:woman_teacher:t6: :mexico:



:tv: :tennis::goal_net:







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It's so fun to guess what they are!

:tada::jack_o_lantern: :beach_umbrella::desert_island::national_park: :airplane: :sailboat::anchor: :fried_egg::shallow_pan_of_food::bowl_with_spoon::hocho:


You enjoy football, hockey, and pool.

Swimming, go to the movies, bowling, playing video games, and creating art.

You enjoy fixing pieces of equipment while listening to music.

Am I close?

You enjoy going to the beach to ran, create art, love to cook, travel, go camping, take care of animals, garden, and sleep?

You enjoy studying human anatomy, going to the beach, comforting others, drinking coffee, going out for Asian cuisine, traveling, bowling, playing chess, taking pictures, listening to music, watch TV, go to Broadway shows, and talking on the phone.


You like working out, and playing music.

I think you only missed sleeping hehehe nice job!!

:running_man:‍♂ :muscle:t2:

:8ball: :video_game: :movie_camera:

:racing_car: :shopping: :plate_with_cutlery: :pizza:

Just missed that I love sunglasses :dark_sunglasses:. :grin::joy:

I did. Haha.

:rofl:. How many pair do you own?


I had 5. I might have lost a pair. I like nice shades :sunglasses:

I only have 1 pair. I want more. I don't have more because I don't feel like sunglasses look good on me.