What about smoking pot to help to not drink? For

What about smoking pot to help to not drink? For you?


Personally i smoke pot to quit drinking and its working


I just took an edible to soften the comedown from a vyvanse binge. Don’t want it to be an ongoing thing (keeps my mind in addict mode) but am personally ok with using it to transition into sobriety.


I am not abusive. I am not out of control. I am present and calm. I think it’s a good thing


I agree :point_up:t2: do what helps you! Alcohol is the effing devil :imp:- well, for me anyway. I’d be smokin if I could, but I’m in a little trouble :zipper_mouth_face::woozy_face:

I used it to quit.... Until that became a habit.

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Switching one drug for another doesn't work.

When you're completely ready, go to a Big Book meeting and find a sponsor who has worked the steps and is living in 10, 11, and 12.

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Alcoholism is a craving for sugar. If you’re considering trading one DOC for another; I would suggest getting yourself some cupcakes or donuts.

From an addiction to another, be careful you may end up with both

Let's be honest that's not very healthy either.

None of it is healthy, but we have to choose the lesser of evils. I’m a diabetic and would rather have to take more insulin than to lose a day of sobriety.

I wouldn’t be bothered by someone coming to an A.A meeting who still smokes pot nut probably better not to come stoned.
Alcohol might be physically more harmful but they’re both used to escape reality. Nowadays escaping reality might be a good thing, so I’m mixed on your question.
I have kept off of Facebook since the new year because I’ve gotten so upset with people I thought I knew.

If it helps, more power to you, but we must be fully honest with ourselves. Your path does not have to be the same as others, as long as it helps, my commitment for now is meth. Herb helps quite significantly if I can tell that I am scattered brain which is a hard warning in my fight.

For me Kelly it helps alot, it takes away the feeling to want to drink, feel better too

I see it as the lessor of two evils . I have a good friend who would probably be dead if he wasn’t able to use pot as a step down drug from booze and other things .

Lesser ** :man_facepalming:

Disagree all you want but to me that’s not sobriety. Sobriety is being present in the moment and using healthy practices to cope. I’m not here to argue the health aspect weed. I’m here to suggest escaping into a book or a painting instead of a bottle or pipe.

I see your point Craig , but for some people , the goal is not to be sober , but to just stop drinking. “Sober” is also a very ambiguous term . What about caffeine or sugar or sex ? Do using these violate “emotional sobriety “ as well ? Everyone’s “mix” looks different in terms of how they cope or get through the day .

I tried everything and nothing worked until I got sober. Define it however you want I guess. For me it was not getting fucked up and following 12 steps. Learning how to be present. Learning to relinquish my need for control, and my fears to my higher power. It’s not religion. It’s whatever force they enabled me to not get fucked up one day after doing so for 30 years of being unable to. And then for 290 more days after that.