Went to therapy today

Went to therapy today. My psychologist is also an addiction specialist. He spent the majority of my hour telling me why I need subs because I still have cravings after a year clean and sober. Many things trigger my cravings. Boredom from isolation, pain from autoimmune condition, and anxiety. I am working hard and still sober. I feel like I need to address my depression and anxiety (panic attacks) which I had well before my addiction due to severe childhood trauma. If i address these things the cravings will be less maybe? What do you think? He makes it sound like Suboxone will manage all of this but I just don't buy that.

I'm not for sure. Some have had good experiences, others not so much. How do you feel about a second opinion?

He set me up with a peer support specialist which to me is biased opinion because he told me they used subs. In my opinion I think this person would recommend them instead of hear me out. My doctor is aiming for this to be a maintenance medication for life. How is that any different then using any other opiate? I guess I don't want to treat my feelings with an opiate but get a handle on them other ways if that makes since. I don't know any addicts that have zero cravings for the remainder of there lives. Once you alter your brain with addiction it is forever changed. Then again would this medication make life better with zero cravings? I see people walk around who I can immediately tell are on subs. They are like zombies and some appear high as shit. Its hard to get a second opinion from another addiction specialist. If you have cravings they treat with subs. No cognitive therapy when subs is big business. Its a hard decision so I was hoping to see if some folks here had experience with the medication or how there experience was without medication over the years. Its tiring dealing with so much depression and anxiety with almost nothing to do daily but I just can't agree to take a medication unless I'm more researched. Everything I read says subs should be short term but now are being used long term due to the opiate crisis. Is it just the easy way or the necessary way?